Our Meals for Seniors advocacy efforts are paying off. Meal funding has been added to the House and Senate Omnibus Human Services bills. We need to raise our voices now for legislators to adopt the higher funding level in the Senate bill. Suggested copy for social media: Act now! We have made good progress on […]
News & Ideas
Funding Levels Update
Below is the breakdown of funding/grants for the senior meals in current bills. Senior Nutrition Program Appropriation House total is $4.948 million for the bienniumSenate total is $32 million for the biennium HF2847 – Actual grant funding for senior meals is $4.5 million in 2024 (for the biennium) due to carve-out funding for 2 FTEs /admin from the […]
Dollars for Senior Meals Added to Omnibus Bills
The Meals and Services for Seniors Coalition advocacy efforts have successfully added increased funding for the Senior Nutrition Program to the Human Services Omnibus bills in both the House and the Senate. In the House bill, $4 million was added as a one-time appropriation. In the Senate, $16 million was added as a one-time appropriation. The […]
March 15 Hearing in Senate Human Services Committee
Wednesday, March 15th, the Meals for Seniors bill, SF 2244, will be heard in the Senate Human Services Committee meeting. The meeting starts at 3 p.m. and we anticipate that the video or audio may be available online via the following links: Upcoming media events March 15 Senate Human Services Committee
HF 2523 Passed Out of Human Service Finance Committee
The Meals for Seniors bill, HF 2523, passed out of the Human Service Finance committee on Thursday, March 9, and has been laid over for potential inclusion in the DHS omnibus bill.
Meals for Seniors Bills Introduced
Bills to add $20 million to the Senior Nutrition Program over the next biennium were introduced last week in the Minnesota Legislature.