The Minnesota Association of Area Agencies on Aging is a collective voice on aging
m4a is an association of Minnesota’s Area Agencies on Aging. We work collaboratively with each other and with other organizations and agencies to foster systemic changes to better support older adults and caregivers.
Area Agencies on Aging help individuals live and age well in their communities. We support older adults and family caregivers as well as public, nonprofit and private organizations that provide services to them and the communities in which they live.

m4a furthers a common vision
- People age with dignity and independence.
- Older adults are recognized as valuable contributors to society.
- Policymakers know and act on issues of older persons and their families.
- Communities offer a comprehensive continuum of support services.
We provide services regardless of race, color, gender, religion, disability or national origin.
Older Americans Act

Older Americans Act services
Area Agencies on Aging across the country are part of the Aging Network funded under the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) . The Act established federal funding for community planning and social services, research and development projects and training in the field of aging.
The OAA authorizes a wide array of programs administered through Area Agencies on Aging, including:
- Nutrition programs in the community and for individuals who are homebound
- Programs that serve native American elders
- Services targeted at low-income minority elders
- Health promotion and disease prevention activities
- In-home services for frail elders
- National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). NFCSP supports individuals caring for older adults and grandparents raising grandchildren.
Senior LinkAge Line
In 1996, the Minnesota Board on Aging launched the Senior LinkAge Line® and established call centers in each Minnesota Area Agencies on Aging. The Senior LinkAge Line provides a telephone connection for older adults, giving them access to information and assistance. In addition to the call in assistance, the Senior LinkAge Line provides the Return to Community service to help people successfully return home after a health event, presentations in the community and screenings before admission to a nursing facility. The Senior LinkAge Line is the federally funded State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for Minnesota. In that role our specialists provide local, in-depth, and objective insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare-eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers.
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